Letter from the Newspaper Editor-in-Chief, Aaliyah Breedlove

Letter from the Newspaper Editor-in-Chief, Aaliyah Breedlove

Aaliyah Breedlove, Reporter

As the school year comes to an end, many are focusing on what’s to come and what our futures will hold. As imperative as it is for us to look to the future, I ask that you spend this time focusing on now.

As cheesy as it sounds, now is a better time than ever to live in the moment. Our last year has gone by so fast, with little time to appreciate everything we have worked so hard for. Not only have we been given the opportunity to thrive, but we have also been given the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them with nothing but positive criticism these last four years.

Our senior year has been a year of impact, confusion, and indecision, but now those things do not matter. As we live in our present, we are able to acknowledge our success and all who have helped us get there. We are able to reminisce on the good, the bad, and the in between. We are able to feel excitement, feel independent, or even feel lost and confused. Regardless of how you leave school, know that you each carry all the knowledge and that is something nobody can take. It’s our present, our now, and our time to show the world what our class has to offer. It’s been an honor to watch you all develop and prosper into young successful adults. No matter where you go or what you do, I hope you remember that you are the person who got you to where you are today.

Thank you for allowing me to tell your truths and write your stories.

Forever your editor,

Aaliyah Breedlove