Poetry by SaMiya Black

SaMiya Black

“Ferocious Talent” celebrates the creativity of BHS students by showcasing their creative work. If you have artwork, writing, photography, audio or video that you would like to submit, please email [email protected].

Day by Day

Hour by Hour

Minute by MInute

Second by Second

I wonder who am I

Why am I here and

Do I belong

We live in a society

Where we need to have it

Not knowing what it is

We live life based on trends

Blending into one

Instead of standing as individuals

We get so caught up with trends

We forget most trends

Come to an end

We put our body and mind

Thru so much change

20 years from now

It will all be strange

Some talk down on fakeness

But can’t be real with themselves

Your one way with one person

Then another way with someone else

How are you being a real friend

Or being real in your relationship

Eventually you realize with real eyes

That almost everyone is the same

Friend to my face but spread lies to my name

Call me bae cuz you don’t really know my name

Play with my emotions

Like its a game

When it should be

viewed as an ocean

There can be soothing waves

Or crashing waves of commotion

But welcome to our society

Which tends to cause alot of anxiety

Second by Second

Minute by Minute

Hour by Hour

Day by Day