Five tips to keep you organized

Mia Thompson

Brittney Dear, Editor

Owning fresh supplies is a nice feeling; there’s nothing like new notebooks and sharpened pencils stored neatly into a colorful, clean backpack.

But then, just two weeks into the school year, homework becomes impossible to find. Loose papers and old gum wrappers scatter the bottom of the backpack, and forgetting tests becomes common. How can a student stay organized all year long? Easy.

I am here to help. As an organization freak myself, I know plenty of tips and tricks to remain tidy throughout the school year.

Buy a planner

Planners are generally easy to find. For example, they can be found at Walmart, Target or even Dollar General. They don’t need to be fancy (but having fancy ones sure is fun); they just need to be functional.

In the front of the planner, the student should write their own personal key, and make sure to include a daily to-do list. Twenty-one days, they say, makes a habit permanent, so write in every test date, due dates for projects and homework, and any other important to-do. I have highlighters that I use to color-code each core class.

For more planner ideas, visit

Begin a bullet journal

No, this is not a journal made of bullets. This is possibly the best organization method ever created. Basically, a bullet journal is a step-up from a basic planner. However, it does take much more work.

A bullet journal is an unlined, or gridded, journal the owner puts absolutely everything into. This means to-do lists, weekly, monthly and daily layouts entirely made by the owner, yearly goals, recipes, and so much more. A bullet journal is a way to keep everything together in one place. This cuts out the need for multiple journals, loose papers, and an unused planner. I highly recommend starting a bullet journal for these reasons.

For a better understanding of a bullet journal, and how to start one, visit

Hang up a calendar

A calendar is a simple, yet effective way to remain organized throughout the year. By hanging one above a desk, it’ll be very easy to look at important dates while doing homework. The student should transfer due dates and test dates to their calendar, and read it each morning, as well as after school. Forgetting a test with a calendar will be near impossible.

If you’re interested in a free, printable calendar for each month, visit

Clean out that desk

This means take out all of the old papers, the unnecessary binders and books, and find a place for everything new. Organizing a desk for school is a very satisfying feeling. Before anything else, completely declutter the workspace — and maybe organize a closet or two as well while you’re at it.

For some desk organization hacks, visit

Have a place for everything

For school, have a journal and folder for each class. It’s always nice to make sure the journals don’t overlap with different classes. I did that once, and it was not OK.

Make sure to have a binder as well, and clean it out every month — but don’t just throw everything away. Find a safe spot for all those loose papers, in case the need to see old notes or schedules arises.

Also have a pouch for pencils, and pockets for a phone, headphones and wallet. Never just throw things into your backpack, because this only leads to an unorganized school year. But that’s obvious, right?