Bengal Bios: Getting to know sophomore Gavin Vonbodun

McKenna Beard, Videographer

Sophomore Gavin Vonbodun loves ketchup. He loves it so much, he’ll eat it with anything — even a bagel.

“Sure, why not,” he said.

But ketchup isn’t Vonbodun’s only interest. He enjoys the outdoors, hanging out with friends and playing soccer. His favorite subject is science, especially chemistry. When he graduates from high school, Vonbodun said he plans to go to college and study computers. He also enjoys traveling and would travel to Canada if given the opportunity.

Oh, and his favorite emoji is the winky face (see video).

This or That

Dogs or Cats: Cats

Walmart or Target: Walmart

Books or movies: Both

Favorite TV show: Doesn’t have one

Sunny or rainy: Rainy

Spring or Fall: Spring

Left-handed or right-handed: Left-handed

DC or Marvel: Marvel

AM or PM: PM

Up or down: Down

Netflix or Youtube: Netflix

Instagram or Snapchat: Snapchat

Android or Apple: Apple

Toilet paper — over or under the roll: under

Pancakes or waffles: Pancakes

Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi

Staying in or going out: Both