Ensuring Children’s Education One Bracelet at a Time

Mary Miller, Editor

The Spanish club has begun selling $7 dollar Yuda bands both during lunches and from the sponsor’s, Yuridiana Franco, room (C214).
Yuda bands, which get their name from the Spanish word meaning help, aid or assistance, are bracelets made of handmade leather and coconuts with various shapes carved into them.
The money raised from the sales is used to send youth in developing nations to school.
This is a popular service project done by schools across the nation and Braswell is next on that list.
Spanish Club president Eiya Saldia is very passionate about the project and the prospective profits.
“We wanted to sell the bracelets because we wanted to help fund his education”, Saldia says. “I don’t want people to think they’re paying $7 for just a bracelet.”
The kid being sponsored is named Suarlin Alvarado Amira. He is 15 and very passionate about his education. He is striving towards becoming an accountant in the future however, his family’s economic struggles are withholding him from being able to regularly attend school. Most of his free time is spent helping out his parents who work nonstop to support their themselves, Suralin, and their other two kids.
Raising money by selling the Yuda Bands could provide Suarlin with enough money to be able to get the most out of his education and make his dreams more feasible.
Rather than simply spending $7 on a bracelet, you would be investing in a young boy’s future that has such bright potential.
Everyone deserves the opportunity to go to school and achieve their goals, regardless of economic status.
Yuda bands will be available during school until April 19.