New Transportation Zones Leave Parents, Students in Distress

Gissell Martinez, Reporter

An issue has come to the surface that has many parents, Adults, and children concerned with. Denton ISD has made the choice to stop giving bus transportation from the neighborhood Savannah to Navo Middle school for the 2019-2020 school year. Many Savannah Subdivision families are very concerned with their children’s safety. Other parents are going through the motions and finding safe ways to have their children go to Navo Middle school without using Highway 380. With a public group on Facebook joining all families together, trying to speak and find solutions, some have found ways.
One parent has taken the job to bike with her daughter and time it, knowing how long it will take by biking through trails all the way to the middle school. Her concern is that there are some streets without stop signs, two roundabouts that her daughter will have to cross, and if the weather will cause her daughter to need rides on certain days. Many parents are afraid of their children walking or being around Fish trap. With the confusing turns and reckless drivers, this causes alarming fear with the parents.
Another issue, crosswalk-ers is a topic that has come up. According to Denton ISD, crossing guards are supplied by the city, not the school districts. Many parents have allegedly debunked this by saying Frisco ISD pays for their crossing guards. Crossing guards will be needed if they expect children from Savannah to walk or bike all the way to Navo Middle School. This issue could cause Navo Middle school extreme damage. Some parents are even considering transferring their children to a free Charter school that caters to Pre-k to 8th grade, who has emphasized that they do have bus transportation and is located in Little Elm. No hazardous closed off fencing on Fishtrap or long distances to walk with the danger of predators, and hidden areas of Union park sidewalks that will “help” students walk to Navo. With options opening up and catching parents attention, this could mean trouble in Savannah.