Words from the Wise: A Senior’s Advice to the Class of 2020

Gissell Martinez, Reporter

The time is coming, caps and gowns heading our way and applying for colleges we’ve dreamed to go.  Here are some tips and words of advice to have the best senior year ever!


Fall Semester:

  • SAT, ACT, TSI tests should be already taken once as a junior or apply for another time to retake them. You always do better at your second time. Study every chance you get.
  • You should already  know or have thoughts of what college or University you would like to attend in the fall semester
  • Keep your grades up and constantly look at your GPA
  • Order your cap and gown, make your invitations, take your senior photos  


Spring Semester:

  • Apply for scholarships or FASFA
  • Starting your housing contract if going to a University
  • Commit to a school
  • Make a resume with all your high school achievements
  • Stay strong! YOU’RE ALMOST DONE
  • Now you have to go through senior activities
  • Don’t slack and keep all grades and resumes in check
  • Graduate!!!