Homecoming Royalty

Aaliyah Breedlove, Reporter

Sarah Crosby

Ethan Kaewadarunee and Kaitlyn Nebauer were announced as Homecoming king and queen Friday, Sept. 13th during the school’s first pep rally of the school year.

“I have worked so hard for a lot of things in my life and I feel like if I win, this will be the greatest achievement,” Kaewadarunee said after finding out he was nominated. “ What makes me a good candidate for homecoming king is that I’m a very smart person and I care about a lot of people and this school.”

Neubauer, however, didn’t always intend on running.

“Honestly [Abel Guitterez and I ] just got an idea to run and thought ‘hey that would be kinda cool’ and then we got nominated and just decided to go and put ourselves out there,”  Nebauer said. 

Neubauer also believed that she and Guitterez running together had been one of their advantages against other nominees. Although she won with Kaewadarunee, Neubauer still states that she had fun running with Guitterez.

Being Homecoming king is something that, although a joke at first, Abel Guitterez would have looked forward to achieving. 

“I have always wanted to be king and it would be cool for me and my friend,” Guitterez said. 

Callum O’Connell and Ariel Tacia also ran together. 

“We decided that since we’ve been together since the beginning of high school and a lot of friends were like ‘hey you guys should do it’ and we were like ‘why not?’ and it just fit in our favor,” Tacia said. 

Joy Nalyanya was also nominated for homecoming queen and also worked hard campaigning to win even without knowing exactly what to do. 

“I [had] never actually thought about running until this year, Nalyanya said. “I thought, ‘It’s my last year, why not.”  

While that’s a wrap for homecoming court, prom is a short seven months away so start thinking about nominations for the next king and queen.