Senior class officers announce Prom theme
April 9, 2023
It’s prom season, but what will it look like this year? The senior class sponsor, Dr. Anna Seibert, is working to organize an unforgettable prom experience for students. She takes pride in fulfilling senior class activities and planning exciting things for the seniors, even if it is a lot of work.
“It’s fun getting to work with the seniors and be excited about all of the senior events that’s coming up,” Seibert said. “But it is a lot of work putting into the organization, the event, the venues, the papers [and getting] dates approved by admin.”
Applying for colleges and trying to keep the senior class together is a rewarding task for the senior class president.
“It’s pretty awesome,” Ty Mason, 12, said. “It’s a fulfilling and enriching role and I like serving my class and conversing with my peers to plan fun events.”
The senior class officers have been carefully planning [prom] since last May. The prom committee has been planning as well to ensure that prom is an exciting and glamorous experience for juniors and seniors.
“[We are planning] a fun and adventurous theme that we hope students haven’t seen before,” Madison Johnson, senior class historian said.
The thrill of prom coming up has spread from student to student with the even coming up later this week.
“Prom is going to be at the Buffalo Valley Event Center on April 22, and it will be from 7p.m. to 11p.m. Tickets are on sale now. Students may not attend prom if they have outstanding school fees.”
“I think we decided on $65 because that’s what they were last year,” Seibert said. “So we’re just sticking with what they decided last year. It’s kind of expensive, but you’re going to get food at the event, drinks, we’re gonna get a good DJ, and the place will be decorated and the hope is that we actually can use the place from 7p.m. to 11p.m. In the past it’s been three hours but we are pushing for four.”
“There is actually not a dress code,” Seibert said. “Traditionally, people like to have that one chance to get dressed up and look like a princess, if you’re a girl. The guys end up looking so sharp and good. Generally, people wear tuxedos to prom, but there is no requirement for students to wear anything specific. If you want to wear something from Target or a wedding store; wear whatever you want.”
With all the dancing, students are sure to be hungry and the senior class has thought of everything.
“If anybody has something that they really want, they can bring it to school, but we were talking about finger foods and charcuterie boards. Cookies, cupcakes – things that you can eat that won’t make a mess. were going with.”
Tickets for prom are on sale now in the Commons for $65. The senior class accepts cash, check, and credit cards. All students must bring their ID with them to prom.